
Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

Festive Bouquet

Discover our "Festive Bouquet" a radiant celebration of colors and textures that promises to be the centerpiece of any room. This bouquet is a masterful arrangement of various blooms, each selected for their unique beauty and complementary aesthetics. The floral design includes roses, symbolic of love and gratitude; vibrant gerberas, reflecting cheerfulness; and elegant lilies, which stand for purity and devotion. Amongst these are sprinklings of other seasonal flowers and greenery, creating a lush tapestry of nature's finest offerings. Perfect for celebrating life’s special moments or simply bringing a burst of joy to the everyday, the Festive Bouquet is designed to suit your personal style or event theme. Each variant retains the bouquet's delightful charm and fullness, tailored in the color scheme that best reflects your sentiment.

  • Standard - Appoximately - 12" L x 12" W x 17" H
  • Deluxe - Appoximately - 14" L x 14" W x 20" H
  • Premium - Appoximately - 16" L x 16" W x 22" H
  • Exquiste - Appoximately - 18" L x 18" W x 24" H

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