
Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

Short Stem Red Roses

Lovely for smaller, more compact bouquets and floral arrangements, these beautiful short stem roses range from 30-40 cm in length. You can choose from a selection of 6, 12, 18, or 24 roses to suit your needs. Each bouquet can be customized with or without greenery and floral accents, providing a tailored touch to your floral gift.

For packaging, we offer several options to present your bouquet beautifully:

  • Boxed: Ideal for elegant and secure transportation.
  • Cellophane: A classic and simple wrapping to showcase the natural beauty of the roses.
  • Vase: A ready-to-display option, perfect for immediate enjoyment.

Bring joy and elegance to any setting with these exquisite red roses.

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