
Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

FTD Garden Terrace Bouquet

The FTD® Garden Terrace™ Bouquet sends sweet sunshine to your special recipient's door to brighten every moment of their day! Gorgeous peach roses, pink Peruvian lilies, peach stock, and orange spray roses are accented with lush greens to create a suncrushed flower bouquet. Presented in an attracitive designer burgundy glass vase, this mixed flower arrangement will make the perfect impression on your recipient throughout the spring months to make this Mother's Day, a birthday, or an anniversary an unforgettable moment they will cherish long into the future.   Standard bouquet. Approx. 13"H x 12"W. Deluxe bouquet. Approx. 14"H x 13"W. Premium bouquet. Approx. 15"H x 14"W. 

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